West Twin Grove Christian Church is proud to be serving Christ in the community for over 175 years!
In 1841 Rev. F.J. Robeson organized the original congregation of 25 charter members. The congregation met in the homes of various members and in school houses, until 1851 when the first log cabin meeting house was built. The present church stands in the same location as the 1851 log cabin. Increasing growth prompted the building of a frame building in 1864, replacing the log cabin. A tornado destroyed this building in 1911, with the organ being the only thing untouched. In 1912 a concrete block structure was built and dedicated on June 1, 1913.
In 1986 growth prompted the need for a larger structure. A new church was constructed in front of the old church and the two buildings were connected. This made it possible to increase the number of Sunday morning services and add an evening service at 6:00 p.m., The Gospel Opry. West Twin Grove’s growth continued and in the summer of 2003, the 90 year old concrete structure was razed and a new building replaced it. The new building houses Sunday school classes and bible study areas. The Sunday School Addition was dedicated on January 9, 2005.